About us

Our story:
WOFM was founded in 2024 by two innovators, Kristian Ininski and Tervel Dimitrov, who wanted to redefine motorsports. We bring together technology and adrenaline, organizing races with flying cars, bikes, and jetpacks. Our mission is to push the boundaries of what’s possible and create a new global spectacle.
What We Do:
We establish regulations for flying motorsports, promote international competitions, and ensure the highest standards of safety and excitement. Through our work, we aim to inspire a new generation of racers and fans to explore the limitless potential of airborne racing.
The World Organization of Flying Motorsports (WOFMS) was founded in 2024 to pioneer the new-era of motorsports competitions. Main aim of the organization is to develop, promote, structure and regulate the flying motorsport competitions, as well, draw attention to this completely new domain in practicing sports not using a common ground.
The organization was founded by Kristian Ininski and Tervel Dimitrov - two enthusiasts, who have flair for innovations and unstoppable spirit when it comes to adrenaline sports.
The association’s main activities include:
to establish rules and regulations for organizing racing events in flying motorsports;
to plan, coordinate and organize racing events in flying motorsport at world level;
to plan and coordinate international activities and events aimed at stimulating interest in flying motorsport worldwide, including; to organize world championships and other international competitions;
to conduct technical and educational conferences and seminars: to carry out international exchange of information, specialists and athletes.
The World Organization of Flying Motorsports (WOFMS) plans to organize competitions in flying motorsports and other sports and entertainment events for disabled people on a world level. Holding international sports meetings and competitions between club teams in the respective domain. WOFMS aims to contribute to the realization of a highly effective sports and training process and provision of appropriate facilities by attracting highly qualified specialists - coaches and managers, who would be the pillar of developing this sport.
The association is generating income through various activities, including:
Selling tickets and advertising;
Earning money and royalties from publications like books, magazines, and DVDs;
Selling radio and television rights for events organized;
Income from intellectual property rights and the official symbols of the association;
Contributions, sponsorships, and subsidies from individuals, corporations, funds, and other sources.
The association will not make a profit from these activities; instead, the income will be used solely to achieve its objectives.